Standard 2

Standard 2: Governance and Leadership

The school operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness.

Indicator 2.1

The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective administration of the school.

ST 2.1 Spring Site Visit 2016 Results
ST 2.1 Teacher Handbook 2016-2017
ST 2.1 Tiger Academy Committees 2016-2017 August 2016
ST 2.1 Teacher Handbook 2013-2014
ST 2.1 Teacher Handbook 2014-2015
ST 2.1 Teacher Handbook 2015-2016

Indicator 2.2

The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively.

ST 2.2 Board Approval of Plan
ST 2.2 Board Member Resumes
ST 2.2 DCPS deliverables
ST 2.2 Tiger Academy Committees 2016-2017 August 2016
ST 2.2 Board of Directors RETREAT Meeting Agenda 09-19-15
ST 2.2 Bylaws – March 17 2015-final
ST 2.2 December 10 2014 Annual Board Meeting Minutes
ST 2.2 Ethics Code Compliance for Board 2016-2017
ST 2.2 Governance Training Cover Letter September 2015
ST 2.2 Governance Training Information
ST 2.2 Governance Training
ST 2.2 Historical Compliance 2012-13
ST 2.2 Historical Compliance 2014-15
ST 2.2 Historical Compliance 2015-16
ST 2.2 Proof of Legal Counsel
ST 2.2 Tiger Academy Bylaws 2015-3-10
ST 2.2 Conflict of Interest Statement 2015

Indicator 2.3

The governing body ensures that the school leadership has the autonomy to meet goals for achievement and instruction and to manage day-to-day operations effectively.

ST 2.3 2016 – 2017 TIger Budget – FINAL
ST 2.3 Final Evaluation – Charles for 2014-2015
ST 2.3 SIP_2016-17_16-Duval_1211-Tiger_Academy
ST 2.3 Strategic Plan 2015-2020 2nd DRAFT
ST 2.3 2012-2013 Tiger Academy SIP
ST 2.3 BOARD ANNUAL MEETING- January 23 2014 AGENDA (003)
ST 2.3 December 9 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
ST 2.3 January 23 2014 Annual Board Meeting Minutes
ST 2.3 June 7 2016 Board Agenda
ST 2.3 June 9 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
ST 2.3 March 12 2013 Board Meeting Agenda
ST 2.3 March 12 2014 Board Meeting Minutes
ST 2.3 Minutes of March 12 2013 Board Meeting
ST 2.3 Roles and Responsibilities of Leadership Organizational 2014 2015
ST 2.3 Tiger Academy SIP 1314 (2)

Indicator 2.4

Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and direction.

ST 2.4 Tiger Academy Principal Goals

Indicator 2.5

Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and direction.

ST 2.5 Parent Newsletter May 23
ST 2.5 Tiger Academy School Calendar Detailed 2016-2017
ST 2.5 Staff Survey Results 2011- 2016
ST 2.6 2015 Approval for Consortium Evaluation Systems

Indicator 2.6

Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in improved professional practice and student success.

ST 2.6 2015 Approval for Consortium Evaluation Systems
ST 2.6 Leadership PD
ST 2.6 Monitoring Tool for Leader Evaluation
ST 2.6 Principal Goals for 2012-2013
ST 2.6 Principal Goals for 2014-2015
