Standard 3

Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning

The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.

Indicator 3.1

The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking, and life skills that lead to success at the next level.

ST 3.1 Fifth Grade ELA Lesson plans October 26-October 30
ST 3.1 HowardGrade 2 Unit 2B Week November 7-13
ST 3.1 HughesMiltonReading Plans 11 9 15
ST 3.1 Primary Readers and Writers Plans
ST 3.1 Program Description – Mathematics Training 2015-2016
ST 3.1 Progress Report1st 2nd
ST 3.1 Week 9 Reading Plans Moreno and Milton
ST 3.1 Week 15 3rd-4th Grade Lesson plan 11-28-11 to 12-02-11

Indicator 3.2

Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an examination of professional practice.

ST 3.2 Final Evaluation – Charles for 2014-2015
ST 3.2 Pacing Guide-Math- 1st
ST 3.2 Pacing Guide-Math 2nd
ST 3.2 Pacing Guide-Math- 3rd
ST 3.2 Pacing Guide-Math- 4th
ST 3.2 Pacing Guide-Math- 5th
ST 3.2 Pacing Guide-Math- Kinder
ST 3.2 Product Curriculum Map & Program Descriptions – Eureka Math A Story of Units Curriculum Overview

Indicator 3.3

Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that ensure achievement of learning expectations.

ST 3.3 Final Evaluation – Charles for 2014-2015

Indicator 3.4

School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of teachers to ensure student success.
ST 3.4 Evaluation Procedures – Classroom Walk-Through 1 Classroom Environment
ST 3.4 Teacher Eval ST 3.4 Classroom Walk Through feedback form
ST 3.4 Evaluation Intermediate ELA
ST 3.4 Evaluation Procedures – Classroom Walk-Through 1 Classroom Environment

Indicator 3.5

Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction and student learning.

ST 3.5 1stLesson Study Day2
ST 3.5 1stLesson Study Day3
ST 3.5 2016-2017 PLC Meeting Dates.1
ST 3.5 2016-2017 Pre-Planning Agenda
ST 3.5 2016-2017 Staff and Instructional Leadership Meeting Dates
ST 3.5 Lesson Design Agenda Primary PLC 2-23-16
ST 3.5 Peer Collaboration – Accountable Talk Sentence Stems Checklist
ST 3.5 Peer Collaboration – Hughes lesson study guiding questions
ST 3.5 Peer Collaboration – Lesson Study 1st – Math Lesson Plan
ST 3.5 Peer Collaboration – Lesson Study 1st – Math Lesson Plan Day 3
ST 3.5 Peer Collabration- Lesson Study 1st – Math Lesson Plan Day 4
ST 3.5 Peer Collaboration – Lesson Study 2nd – Math Lesson Plan Day 1
ST 3.5 Peer Collaboration – Lesson Study 2nd – Math Lesson Plan Day 3
ST 3.5 Peer Collaboration – Lesson Study 2nd – Math Lesson Plan Day 4
ST 3.5 Peer Collaboration – Lesson Study Action Plan Day 2 First-Second
ST 3.5 Peer Collaboration – Lesson Study Action Plan First-Second
ST 3.5 Peer Collaboration – Lesson Study Overarching Goals
ST 3.5 Peer mentoring & coaching – PLC Lesson Study Overview
ST 3.5 Peer Mentoring & Coaching – Tiger LessonStudyPacket 14-15
ST 3.5 Peer mentoring & coaching Tool for Planning and Describing Study Lesson 1-2
ST 3.5 PLC Calendar -2016-2017 PLC Meeting Dates.1 ST 3.5 PLC Lesson Design – Backwards_Design_Lesson_Planning
ST 3.5 PLC Lesson Design Handout BackwardDesignLessonPlan ST 3.5 School Wide Expectations 2014-2015

Indicator 3.6

Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student learning.

ST 3.6 Assessments – 4th Grade Scrimmage 2
ST 3.6 Assessments – MA.4.G.5.1 (Form B)
ST 3.6 Assessments – MA.4.G.5.3 (Form B)
ST 3.6 Bulletin Board Walkthrough Tool
ST 3.6 Kindergarten Number Fluency
ST 3.6 Sample Assessments-Grade 3 Expository Prompt
ST 3.6 Sample Type of Assessment-Write Score Assessment

Indicator 3.7

Mentoring, coaching, and induction programs support instructional improvement consistent with the school’s values and beliefs about teaching and learning.

ST 3.7 PLC Agenda ELA Intermediate 10-15-15
ST 3.7 3121- Mentor Teachers 2015-16
ST 3.7 3121- Mentor Teachers 2016 Spring
ST 3.7 Coaching – Instructional-Coaching-Observation-Template2
ST 3.7 Coaching – Goal-Setting-Tool
ST 3.7 Coaching – Initial-Coaching-Meeting (1)
ST 3.7 Coaching – Initial-Coaching-Meeting Sheet Math
ST 3.7 ELA PLC AgenaPLC Dec.2015
ST 3.7 ELA PLC Agenda October 2015
ST 3.7 New Teacher Orientation Preplanning 2014
ST 3.7 New Teacher Orientations During Preplanning
ST 3.7 Tiger AcademyReady Gen Coaches’ Observation Schedule8-28

Indicator 3.8

The school engages families in meaningful ways in their children’s education and keeps them informed of their children’s learning progress.

ST 3.8 Family Conference
ST 3.8 Granger 4th Grade ELA Plans May9 2016
ST 3.8 Hayes3rdlesson week of 11 16
ST 3.8 Learning Expectations-ReadyGEN Parent Letter
ST 3.8 Newsletter wk 34 2014-15
ST 3.8 Online Volunteer and Training Instructions 1
ST 3.8 Open House 2 9-5-13
ST 3.8 Open House 9-5-13
ST 3.8 OPEN HOUSE 15-16
ST 3.8 Open House Packet
ST 3.8 Open House Questionnaire
ST 3.8 PIP_16 1211
ST 3.8 TIGER ACADEMY Title I, Part A Parental Involvement Plan
ST 3.8 Volunteer Training Instructions

Indicator 3.9

The school has a formal structure whereby each student is well known by at least one adult advocate in the school who supports that student’s educational experience.

ST 3.9 BADDTiger Powerpoint
ST 3.9 chorus roster
ST 3.9 Field TripPermissionForm_Donor Event Chorus 2016
ST 3.9 Math Boot Camp Invitation
ST 3.9 Red Ribbon Week 2015
ST 3.9 Red Ribbon Week 2016
ST 3.9 Robotics Interview Rubric
ST 3.9 Robotics Interview Sheet
ST 3.9 Robotics Letter
ST 3.9 Robotics Plans
ST 3.9 Run Like A Girl PARENTS2
ST 3.9 Run LIke a Girl
ST 3.9 Run Like a Girl

Indicator 3.10

Grading and reporting are based on clearly defined criteria that represent the attainment of content knowledge and skills and are consistent across grade levels and courses.

ST 3.10 Teacher Handbook 2016-2017

Indicator 3.11

All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional learning.

ST 3.11 PD Agenda- Planning Day- 2013
ST 3.11 PD Agenda- RtI 2014
ST 3.11 PD Evaluations
ST 3.11 Teacher_Eval_Handbook_2015-2016

Indicator 3.12

The school provides and coordinates learning support services to meet the unique learning needs of students.

ST 3.12 504 Referral Data-Medical Verification Request
ST 3.12 504 Referral Data-Referral Form
ST 3.12 504 Referral Data-Student productivity Scale
ST 3.12 Functional Behavior Assessment Referral Data-Behavior Log
ST 3.12 Functional Behavior Assessment-Referral Data
ST 3.12 RTI Meeting minutes 9 6 2016
ST 3.12 RTI Weekly Progress Chart Tier 2
ST 3.12 Student Observation RTI
